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New Visa Option for Temporary Visa Holders

Expired or about-to-expire Visa problems?

The Australian government has introduced the COVID-19 Pandemic Event Visa (Subclass 408) for temporary visa holders facing travel restrictions. This free, onshore visa is available to those with less than 28 days remaining on their current visa, working holiday visa holders not eligible for extension, or individuals whose last visa expired up to 28 days ago.

Free Application

The application is free and must be made onshore, available for those whose visa expired or will expire in less than a month, as well as those not eligible for extension.

Limited Availability

The Department of Home Affairs outlined specific circumstances that this new visa will be valid for.

Filling Labor Gaps

The COVID-19 Pandemic Event Visa (Subclass 408) aims to help individuals remain legally in Australia while addressing labor shortages in public health and agriculture sectors.

Temporary visa holders in Australia are once again acknowledged by the government by introducing a new visa option, called the COVID-19 Pandemic Event Visa (Subclass 408).

The Department of Home Affairs made it clear that this option is only available for the following individuals:

  • those who have less than 28 days in their visa validity period but unable to return  to their home country due to travel restrictions
  • working holiday visa holders who were not primarily eligible for extension
  • whose last valid visa expired up to 28 days beforehand


This option is free of charge, and strictly an onshore application. The aim is for the affected individuals to remain lawfully in Australia, and be able to fill in the labor gaps in the field of public health and agriculture.

The new Subclass 408 visa is a free option, available for those with less than 28 days left on their visa or who have recently expired visas. 

Temporary visa holders in Australia who can’t return home due to travel restrictions can apply for the free COVID-19 Pandemic Event Visa (Subclass 408).

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