Beware of JobKeeper Scheme

Is your JobKeeper subsidy getting ripped off? With $130 billion JobKeeper subsidy on the table, employment law experts foresee employers may be tempted to exploit the scheme. Problems arising Wit $1,500-per-fortnight wage subsidy, there are looming concerns about employers ripping off their workers. Growing complaints Fair Work Commission has received reports of wage theft and […]
Welfare Benefits to Combat COVID-19

Are you eligible for receiving the latest stimulus package? The Australian government has introduced a stimulus package including two $750 payments for eligible residents, starting from March 31, in response to the economic challenges posed by COVID-19. Additionally, early access to superannuation is available for those who meet certain conditions related to unemployment or significant business […]
Australia’s Unemployment Rate Status

700k Australians could lose their jobs? Australia’s economic challenges will make a huge dent on the country’s unemployment rate—falling by 5.1% in February and doubling its downward impact within a span of four months. Economic Turmoil The forecast is that unemployment will fall to 5.1% in February and double by June, putting Australia’s economy in […]
Additional Hours on Overseas Student Work Rights

Mobilising student power for greater good With heightened demand for essential services that results in worker shortages in aged care and major supermarkets, Australian authorities are temporarily allowing international students to work more than the standard forty hours per fortnight. Increasing the workforce The Department of home Affairs has extended work hours for international students […]
Extended Assistance to Non-Residents

Stay if you can be self-sufficient. The Australian government will extend assistance to international students and temporary visa holders, in acknowledgment of their economic contribution in various sectors. The government, however, emphasised the importance of self-sufficiency. Early Access to Super The Australian government is now allowing international students who have been in the country for over […]
New Visa Option for Temporary Visa Holders

Expired or about-to-expire Visa problems? The Australian government has introduced the COVID-19 Pandemic Event Visa (Subclass 408) for temporary visa holders facing travel restrictions. This free, onshore visa is available to those with less than 28 days remaining on their current visa, working holiday visa holders not eligible for extension, or individuals whose last visa […]
Latest Update on Visa Condition & Economic Response

3-part package; 3-month agenda South Australia is enhancing its economic response with several initiatives starting April 27, including income support, a Coronavirus supplement, and boosted cash flow for employers. Additionally, the State has introduced a $13.8 million International Student Support Package. A Multi-Million Package A new $13.8 million support package for international students includes funding […]